Natalija M. Kyle

Clinical Herbalist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Yoga Teacher & Holistic Healthcare Practitioner

As a Holistic Healthcare Practioner and Clinical Herbalist, Natalija’s passion is empowering others to connect with their bodies’ innate healing abilities through nutrition and lifestyle choices. With her knowledge of plant medicines, whole food nutrition, and mindfulness practices she educates on how to create self-reliance in your everyday HEALTH-care.

Her education and certifications are in Western Herbalism, Yoga, and as a Reiki master/teacher which she received through Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and IMBTherapies.


Natalija has a gentle and profound way of guiding her clients on their healing journey.  She provides support in finding the tools to activate the mind-body-spirit connection creating deep and longstanding healing while improving the overall vibrancy of life.  

In sharing her knowledge she has gathered over her own healing journey, she leads with compassion co-creating a dynamic roadmap to living an authentic holistic lifestyle.  Her favorite tools include plant medicine, yoga and meditation, healing Reiki sessions, and nondenominational Spiritual practices.

Natalija loves to teach informative ‘InHome’ Healthcare classes where she talks about the many gifts and benefits of herbal medicine allowing you to feel confident in caring for yourself, your family, and your friends. 

Some of her most honored accomplishments are leading large group yoga classes, creating a nourishing environment for her clients, facilitating women’s circles and gatherings, knowing plant medicines, and rising 2 incredible children… while homeschooling,  going to school full time, and running the family business. 

Services Offered

Herbal Consultations (Remote) Cost: $180 (1.5-2 hours)

This is the starting point in co-creating a unique holistic wellness plan with each of my clients’ individual needs and is based on the many gifts of plant medicines. Our goal is to understand why the body is experiencing “XYZ”, revealing the root cause(s) and restoring homeostasis. 

Each customized session includes:

  • A thorough in-depth intake

  • Written road map (Protocol) back to health which includes:

    • Dietary – food IS medicine

    • Lifestyle – learning to deal with spiritual mental & physical stress is fundamental

    • Supplements – I have a wide knowledge of various supplements for extra support.

    • Custom herbal formulas -extracts, teas, powders, etc.   ** no products included

Natalija specializes in:

  • Children’s Health

  • Digestive Imbalances

  • Yeast & Candida

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Valley Fever, Asthma, COPD

  • Menopausal support

  • Hypothyroid & Hashimoto’s

  • Allergies (food & environmental)

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • MS, and Cancer

Herbal Follow-Ups (Remote) Cost: $45 per 1/2 hour

Your follow-up appointment is to check in on the current ‘issues’ discussed in the initial intake. I suggest follow-ups at 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months which allow for accountability, extra support to meet your goals, and adjustments to customized formulas as needed.

Healing Reiki & Chakra Balancing Session Cost: $120/hour

Natalija was attuned to her first Reiki, through the lineage line of Dr Usui, in 2007. She spent the next 6.5 years deeply healing and connecting to the powers of this old medicine. Through those years she continued to advance through Reiki 2, 3 (Tibetan Masters) and finally completed her Shamanic Reiki teachers certification in 2013. Although the gift of Reiki was a stepping stone to her hands on healing, Natalija has personalized and gathered many spiritual and holistic tools over the years which she uses during her Divinely guided sessions.

Reiki is a modality where we co-create a safe space for the mind, body, and spirit to awaken. This sets in motion the opportunity for deep healing, transformation, and release. It’s a space where we tap into the innate wisdom of your whole self, your divine truth, and start to unravel the tangled roots of imbalance,  dis’ease’ and self sabotage. 

Reiki has been shown to relax tension, ease pain, reduce stress, and offer a state of peace. In this state you begin to unfold traumas and illnesses from the tissues of the body, quiet the mind to hear insight and messages within the mind, body, and spirit, connect to your fundamental needs and truths, and relax deeply within the present moment

Each intuitively guided session is unique and typically includes:

  • chakra clearing and balancing

  • crystal, sound and aroma therapies

  • clearing of the energy field, cord releasing and ancestral healing

  • intuitive guidance is shared at the end of each session