Essential Oils for Stress, Anxiety and Sleep

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or even exhausted? An over-worked nervous system can play havoc to our immune system so it’s important to incorporate natural ways to support times when we feel stressed, have bouts of anxiety and are not sleeping well.

I love using essential oils. They are one of the modalities I use every day. Maybe it is just to make my house smell good, clear the air of negative energies, up-lift me when I’m feeling out of sorts or used in my body products. During times when I am feeling stressed and ungrounded, I reach in my “tool box” and pull out some of my favorite essential oils. When I’m feeling over-worked and/or stressed I can feel my immune system start to weaken so I make sure I get on my immune support protocol of herbs, essential oils, and taking extra care of myself.

What Essential Oils can I use to support my nervous system?

One of my favorite types of essential oils I love to use when I am feeling stressed and out of sorts are citrus oils like lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime and bergamot as they are calming to the mind and body but up-lifting at the same time. Citrus’ can be used as an antidepressant and as a nervine.

Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) is always a great choice for sleep and anxiety as many people already have some lavender in their homes. (for more information on all the healing properties of lavender you can go to an earlier blog, Lovely Lavender) Just a few drops on your pillow or in your bath may be just the answer to a good night’s sleep. Just remember, lavender is calming in small amounts, but stimulating in large amount.

One of my other favorite oils for grounding and quieting the mind is Frankincense (Boswellia carterri). It is great for anxiety, tension in the body, and a feeling of despair. It can help you with your spiritual practice whether that be meditation, contemplation or prayer.

Marjoram, Sweet (Origanum marjorana L.) is one of my favorites for insomnia. I love adding it to a little lavender and a citrus oil to make a gentle sleep blend. It is great for relieving stress, for nervous exhaustion and for anxiety. It is used for someone who is always over-thinking or has obsessive thoughts. If you’ve never experienced Marjoram try it out. It smells heavenly!

Melissa (Melissa officinalis L.) is an antidepressant, a nervine, and a sedative. It is extremely calming and soothing to the nervous system and it revives and strengthens the spirit. Melissa is know as one of the best oils for anxiety and PTSD

Other oils you might consider are: Anglica, German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Rose Geranium, Ho Wood, Jasmine, Neroli, Petitgrain, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylang yang

How can I safely use essential oils?

  • Diffuser: 5-8 drops in a cool water diffuser - best to diffuse 15 minutes on and an hour off

  • Massage Oil: 2.5 dilution

  • Spritzer: 5-10% dilution - spritz on self or linens (approximately 20-45 drops per ounce of water)

  • Full Bath: 5-10 Drops of single or essential oil blend combined with 2-4 cups of Epsom salts (great for calming/relaxing the body due to it being magnesium) Can also add various types of salts in equal parts with Epsom Salt. Please Note: Essential oils need to be emulsified before adding to water. Mix with milk, honey, or salts. Keep water temperature around 98-99 degrees so as not to over heat the body. Can be as low as 96 degrees.

  • Foot Bath: 1 cup Epsom salt or combination of sea salts and Epsom salts plus 5 drops of emulsified essential oil/blend

  • Inhalation: Put 2-3 drops on palms of hand, rub together and take 5 slow deep breath

What would be a simple essential oil blend that would be safe for my whole family that I can make?

A great little blend that might help you with your sleep or just those anxious, overwhelmed feelings might be:

1-oz carrier oil (possible choices; sesame oil, almond oil, fractionated coconut oil, grapeseed oil, or even avocado oil if that is all you have)
6 drops of a citrus oil
4 drops lavender
2 drops frankincense

I don’t want to make my own blend. Which one of your blends can I use?

One of the most successful blends of ours for anxiety is our Tranquility Blend. It is a blend of roman chamomile, frankincense, lavender, lemon, orange and ylang ylang.

Suggestions on using Tranquility for anxiety.

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I have clients put a drop or two on their hands (make sure you have a little lotion or oil on your hands), rub their hands together and then take 5 slow, deep, belly breaths. When we slow down our breath and consciously breathe deeply we are not able to think about what it is that is upsetting us which is usually something that happened in the past or a worry about what is going to happen in the future. To breathe “consciously” we must be in the present moment.

Desert Sage Herb’s Essential oil blends you may want to consider for additional help are:

  • Calming: (Kid Safe)lavender, rose geranium, ho wood

  • Nighty Night: (Kid Safe) frankincense, lavender, geranium, orange

  • No Worries (Kid Safe): black spruce, grapefruit, marjoram, cedarwood, patchouli, clary sage, roman chamomile

  • Sanctuary: bergamot, clary sage, lavender (not to be used during pregnancy)

  • Sleep Ez: (Kid Safe): cedarwood, ho wood, lavender, marjoram, coriander roman chamomile, frankincense, lavender, lemon, orange, ylang ylang

  • Sweet Dreams: tangerine, sandalwood, bergamot, ylang ylang, juniper, peppermint, clary sage, helichrysum (not to be used during pregnancy)

What can I do throughout the day to support my nervous system and my immune system?

So along with herbs and essential oils to support your nervous system and in turn support your immune system we encourage you to take this time to explore the plants and how they can be a great addition to your daily life. This is a time to step back and evaluate your life and if it is truly serving you.

  • Get enough good, deep “natural” sleep

  • Eat nutritious foods and drink half your body weight in clean water (i.e. 140 pounds = 70 ounces of water a day)

  • Use herbs, essential oils and supplements to help you limit your stress levels and to get better sleep

  • Exercise every day, outdoors if possible and make sure while you are out there, breath in fresh air and take in all our beautiful “Mother” has to offer us.

  • Limit alcohol consumption

  • Connect with others. Isolation can be harmful to our health. Call someone, FaceTime them. If you have family members you are able to be with, play games, laugh, cook dinner together, put your electronics down.

  • Take a warm bath with essential oils and Epsom salts if you like them

  • Meditate, pray, or contemplate

  • Learn something new

  • Get support from others….ask for help!

If you are wanting more information regarding herbs and supplements for your immune system, you can go to an earlier blog Immune Support. Strengthening the Body’s Natural Immune System

Blessings, Vicki